Here's my problem ... There is a set of collections of 40-50 pieces ... When Monga turns in the normal mode the command in the console provides free because of 4GB free 3.2, that is all right there ....
It is necessary to start working with collections ... All work is to record any data via PHP or Python script well. The data is not large, that is, the load quite weak ... but a lot of text ...
After my scripts begin raboat in the collection I start to monitor memory, it turns out 3.2Gb Free 0 That is, the memory is full. All this is nonsense, but should fill a virtual Panya not immediately file system clogged than that so that the command df -T shows USE = 100% of the file system (ie, about 500 GB scores at a time). And the server gets up, helps only a server restart all command reboot.
What could be the reason? I can not understand, given that I work in the collection are simply not able to score 4 GB under no. I think even 1GB problem is to do with a simple guide. This oschushenie that after each Monga leaves in memory that is either logs stored in the cache, or something like that then.
Another option, refer to Monge so frequent that hammered logs are stored in the file system, but the story that it is not very plausible.
This group is generally for discussion in English but you might want to check out!forum/mongodb-user-russian which is for MongoDB по-русски.
From what I could tell of your description, you're concerned that MongoDB is using up all your memory. Generally, MongoDB does not handle memory management itself but delegates it to the operating system, so it seems unlikely that the OS is using up the disk space since nothing is swapped to disk (pages written to are synced back to the same location where they are stored).
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