What should the structure of the db documents be? I was thinking of having a 'posts' collections where each post document contains ids for other collections (like topic_id, user_id, )
- I will have multiple pages that will filter and sort the posts based on topic, user, hashtag, etc
- On page load, I will need to load some bits of data from the user and topic collection to show titles and links etc.
- I am thinking of dynamically loading chunks of ~10 posts as the user scrolls
What are the tradeoffs that I am making, at what point will I need to re-evaluate this design?
Should I just iterate over the posts in app and fetch the other info or should I use aggregation or map-reduce?
Take a look at recordings of presentations about Socialite - open source social status feed built on MongoDB, There is a lot of discussion of trade offs.
You can find those recordings here:
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