Looking forward to the help soon.
Hello. I'm having a problem with my web project. I'm using MongoDB2.6.5 and have the following problem: Some of my data Province lostfor unknown reasons.
Looking forward to the help soon.
We're going to need more details to try to help. What do you mean by "lost" (deleted? can't find?) and what exactly has been lost (an entire database, some fields in your documents, some documents, ..)?
I removed MongoDB from Windows Service by using "mongod --remove", and then "mongod --repair". But when I restart the db, all the databases have lost except for "local". Could you please help me?
I removed MongoDB from Windows Service by using "mongod --remove", and then "mongod --repair". But when I restart the db, all the databases have lost except for "local". Could you please help me? Thank you.
Removing the service with `mongod --remove` does not delete any data files.
How did you restart mongod -- from the command line, or by reinstalling as a service? I suspect you either used a different dbpath or didn't specify one (so the Windows default of "c:\data\db" was used). The "local' database is automatically created with a capped collection "startup_log".
If you're not sure if there was a different dbpath previously, I would try searching for any directories with "local.ns" (namespace file for the "local" database). The data directory should include other files for each database: a name space file (<database>.ns) and 1 or more files named like <database>.0, <database.1>, etc.
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