2014년 12월 4일 목요일

org.mongodb:bson:2.12.3 depends on com.mongodb classes

The best implementation of BSON is embedded in the mongo-java-driver.  Somebody has the foresight to publishhttps://github.com/mongodb/mongo-java-driver is published as 2 maven artifacts.  One as org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver and as org.mongodb:bson (which only contains org.bson packages).

Problem is the org.mongodb:bson artifact is basically unusable, since it depends on the com.mongodb package

$ ack com.mongodbBasicBSONEncoder.java19:import com.mongodb.DBRefBase;
BasicBSONObject.java19:import com.mongodb.util.JSONSerializers;

/OutputBuffer.java174:        return com.mongodb.util.Util.toHex( md5.digest() );
LazyBSONCallback.java19:import com.mongodb.LazyDBObject;
LazyBSONObject.java793:        return com.mongodb.util.JSON.serialize( this );
LazyDBList.java22:import com.mongodb.DBObject;
23:import com.mongodb.util.JSON;
28: * @deprecated Please use {@link com.mongodb.LazyDBList} instead.

Would love to see bson package extracted into its own repository.  Replace all references of com.mongodb with extension points which the mongo-java-driver can use to preserve existing behaviour.

Then we can have an usable standalone org.mongodb:bson

We're aware of this problem, and for the upcoming 3.0 release we've ensured that the bson module can be separately compiled from the rest of the driver.  See https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-java-driver/tree/3.0.x/bson.

Just out of curiosity, what are using the bson module for?

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